4 Types Of Water Pressure Problems That Requires Immediate Attention
Low water pressure at home can make even the simplest of tasks seem impossible, and even unpleasant. When only one or two fixtures at home suffer from low pressure, you can easily remedy the problem by focusing on getting just that fixture fixed. However, a variety of different plumbing issues can affect the water pressure to the whole house. If you experience low water pressure in different areas of the house, the first thing you need to do is to narrow down the cause. Here's a short guide to help you find the root of the problem: Check your water meter Make sure that the water meter is turned on all the way. Sometimes, when people make plumbing repairs they turn the water back on slowly and just a little bit at a time. Unfortunately, it's often the case that they forget to turn it back on all the way. If you're experiencing low water pressure after having repairs done, check your meter first and the other water shut off areas. Otherwise contact professional ...